Some images from my current Uni project. It's been quite hard to capture the ballet style movements of the stallions without the work being static, but I feel I have loosened up a bit now, and my work seems to be slightly more fluid.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
Duke the Great Dane. I had a call from a lady who had seen my horse paintings in the Flora Lou window and wanted a similar portrait of her dog. I went to meet her and the dog last week, he is such a poppet. It's nice to do something a little different and I hope more work will come from it, but he really is just a small horse.
Some of the images that have resulted from the commission of Duke the Great Dane. I really love these images, maybe the possibility of a narrative coming along.
Three more horses that have gone into the shop this week. The brown horse is a bit of an experiment to see if it sells. I'm quite pleased with it, and it reminds me a bit of George Stubbs' work. The other two white ones are based on the horses of the Spanish Riding School.
I have recently been researching into the Spanish Riding School as a possibility for a future project, and had forgotten how incredible it is to watch. I've never seen it in real life but it's definitely on the 'to do' list. They are great fun to draw and and really defy gravity. This video is a great capture of some of the 'Airs Above the Ground' that the older horses perform.
This research into Stubbs has inspired me to study the horse myself, as I feel one cannot say that they 'love' a particular animal if they do not understand it's inner workings. It has been a real eye-opener, and I am pretty sure that my paintings of horses are improving. It is easier for me now to see how the hind leg would bend, and the muscles contract, making it easier for me to paint.
I am currently preparing my dissertation for which I am studying the anatomical works of George Stubbs, focusing on the horse. It's been so interesting reading about him and his art so far, and I'm confident that it will keep me engrossed for the next 8 months. 'Whistlejacket' is by far one of my most favourite paintings, and at just a shade under life-size, it is a beautiful capture of the chestnut stallion.
Thursday, 20 May 2010
A few more portraits of horses. I enjoy trying to capture the personality of the horse in my work, which becomes much easier when I focus on the face.
Some more recent paintings of horses that I have sold.
Saturday, 15 May 2010
Some more images from my current project. These are some of the final paintings that I am going to put into my final book.
Saturday, 1 May 2010
Two horse paintings I have done for fun recently. I know the image quality is not amazing, they do look better in real life. I have to do something for the background on both, but I just can't decide! Any suggestions are gladly received. I was thinking maybe black?
Thursday, 29 April 2010
These are some images from my current project. My grandparents lived in Sudan for a year, where my grandma became the first woman to pass her driving test. I love the stories she has told me, so I am basing my project on them.
It's such cute stuff, and not really that expensive either.
Just a happy pony.
Tuesday, 20 April 2010
Another 3 Grafittis! I love the Ostrich, and the seal, and the horse as well really!
These are a couple of random images I found. The bottom one is from one of my life-drawing sessions last term. I love life-drawing, it really does improve your drawing. The other two are some elephants, quite pointless, but rather happy, nonetheless.
I am an illustrator based in Surrey, with a love for traditional illustrations. My work usually consists of pen and ink or watercolours, and often tell a story. My favourite area of study is animals, especially horses, and how they move, but I try to keep my work and it's subjects as broad as possible.
Commissions taken.